
Ruky and Shiva

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     The pileup was bad. A huge section of the overhead railway had collapsed unto the road below, killing hundreds and injuring and trapping hundreds more. The damage was extensive, stretching far enough to be thought of as a small-scale apocalypse. What was left of the buildings, cars, and the train that was headed through town at the time had become nothing but warped metal, broken glass, and rubble. But the worst of it was that the cause of all this damage was still out there, despite all that had been done to keep it silenced.

     "They sacrificed four people for us!" she said, followed by a discontented sigh. "And we couldn't do a thing."
     Ruky sighed. "I don't think we know the extent of what we're up against even now," he said. After a short pause, he turned his torso, revealing his tail behind him, now no longer than five inches. "You couldn't even do this."
     She was shocked. They had been in some of the most intense battles against each other - even with intent to kill - and they could barely even touch each other. Whoever or whatever they were up against was clearly much more powerful than she, and apparently it was more powerful than him as well. If there was anything they could do to end this, there was no way they could do it alone.
     She walked over and sat down on the bench behind him and pulled out a knife. "How long ago was this?" she asked.
     He turned the rest of his body away from her so his back was easier to reach. "Two weeks. I probably would have been more help, but it's so hard to balance without it."
     "Well, why didn't you come to me earlier? You know I could have fixed it." She cut off the fur at the end of his tail and then pulled. Miraculously, she restored Ruky's tail to it's normal length.
     Elated, and suddenly much more firmly planted to the ground, Ruky took a step forward, this time feeling that sense of dominance that he hadn't felt for so long. Shiva stood up and stepped up beside him as they faced the open water.
     "Better?" she asked.
     Ruky turned and gave her a heartfelt hug. "It feels great," he replied, closing his eyes for a few seconds, "Thank you." He couldn't describe how great it felt to not feel so awkward trying to balance, as he had felt for the past two weeks. Not to mention he for once had a reason to caress the woman he loved.
     After what Ruky wished could have lasted a lifetime, the two let go of each other and faced the water once again. It seemed so calm even after what had just happened, and that seemed to ease the tension between then and the rest of their day. Even so, they knew that there was no way they could win their battle on their own.
     A twig snapped in the bushes to their left, and they both turned quickly to see a boy, no older than 15, watching them in awe, probably paying no attention to the words they had spoken and rather only taking note of their inhuman appearances.
     "Well, hello there," Ruky greeted, "What do you need?"
     The boy just stared awkwardly for what felt like forever before letting out a little peep. Then he cleared his throat and said, "I… don't know if you could help me."
     Ruky turned to face the boy, who  emerged from the bushes and inched his way toward the bench.
     "Go ahead, we'll do our best to help," Shiva said to the boy.
This... was a very odd dream I had on the morning of August 5 just before I woke up. "Odd", of course, referring to what my readers don't know. Because I really like the idea for some reason, this is more or less an extremely rough excerpt from a distant point in the future of the plot for the Verdok Saga.

Expect this to change quite a bit between now and when it actually happens in the series, with parts possibly even being cut out and moved to other parts of the series. I think it's safe to say that, if this particular moment (edited or not) does occur at some point, that it will make plenty of sense in context. Ruky is already a decently fleshed-out character that I've known about for quite a long time, but Shiva and the 15-year-old boy are absolutely new and could evolve into important characters by the time I use this scene.

I'm also quite excited to use this a cliffhanger to get some questions going about the stuff that will surely be used in the series. For example, who were the four sacrifices Shiva mentions in the first line? Who made the sacrifices and why were they so important in the fulfillment of their plan? What was their plan and why did it fail? What great enemy are they facing that they know there's no way they can beat on their own? How did Ruky's tail get cut short? Where did Shiva get the power to do what she did? Other than Ruky's tail, what about him and Shiva isn't "human" as the 15-year-old boy sees them? What does they boy want from them? What made Ruky and Shiva fall in love?

And most importantly: WTH?!

As bizarre as this excerpt already may seem, you might be happy to find that this has been dimmed down quite a bit in screwiness. It doesn't even mention the Digimon, and you don't even want to know about the bushes and what it was implied Ruky thought the boy really wanted him to do.

Copyright © Cameron Gates, alias dehydromon, James Pecke. All rights reserved. No portion of this literature may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for references, features, or critical reviews, without the prior expressed permission of the artist.
© 2012 - 2024 dehydromon
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